Vol.3 , No. 1, Publication Date: Feb. 3, 2020, Page: 1-7
[1] | Yila Caiaphas Makadi, Department of Geography, Gombe State University, Gombe, Nigeria. |
[2] | Samuel Sulei, Department of Geography, Gombe State University, Gombe, Nigeria. |
[3] | Elnafaty Aliyu, Department of Geography, Gombe State University, Gombe, Nigeria. |
The research focused on the application of AHP method in assessing malaria risk transmission areas in Gombe metropolis, Gombe State Nigeria. The integrated Geospatial and Multi-Criteria Evaluation (AHP) technique was used to determine malaria risk zones. The influences of physical environmental factors viz., drainage, elevation, and slope were utilized in scoring their shares in the evaluation of risk condition. This was synthesized on the basis of preference over each factor and the total weights of each data and data layer were computed and visualized. A model builder in Arc GIS and AHP Khaskia Software were used to facilitate the overall malaria risk assessment of the factors involved. The study revealed that there are three zones: high, moderate and low malaria risk transmission areas. It was observed too that that a geographical area of 1201.10 hectares having 22% fall is the high risk zone comprising Arawa, Nasarawo and Herwa Gana; 3031.84 hectares with 57% made up the moderate zone and consisted of Shamaki, Pantami and GRA while 1124.9 hectares with 21% and was the low risk zone of Tunfure, Federal Lowcost and New GRA). The risk zones identified on the basis of these parameters and assigned weights shows a close resemblance with ground condition. The study demonstrates the significance and prospect of integrating Geospatial tools and Analytical Hierarchy Process for malaria risk zones and dynamics of malaria transmission. The research recommends the consideration of the geographic variation of malaria risk in Gombe metropolis for government efforts and the design of interventions vital for reducing this menace.
Malaria Risk, GIS, ArcMap Model Builder, Spatial Multicriteria Evaluation Technique
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