Vol.5 , No. 3, Publication Date: Nov. 22, 2018, Page: 101-108
[1] | Dhritikesh Chakrabarty, Department of Statistics, Handique Girls’ College, Gauhati University, Guwahati, India. |
Average is a basic concept and averaging is a basic technique/tool behind the most of the measures associated to characteristics of data. A number of definitions/formulations of average have been developed so far. These definitions/formulations have been found suitable to be used in different situations. There are still many situations where there are scarcities of definitions/formulations of average to deal with the respective situations. It has been found possible to compose general definition of average so that the definitions/formulations of average, already developed, can be obtained/derived from it as well as more new definitions/formulations of average can be obtained/derived from it. One general definition of average, termed in this paper as Generalized fG -Mean, has been introduced with a view to obtain different definitions/formulations of average. Applying the technique, some definitions/formulations have been derived for various types of averages. This paper describes this general definition and the derivation of a number of definitions/formulations of average.
Average, Generalized fG -Mean, Existing Means, Derivations
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